Peace Lutheran Church of Waterford 7390 Elizabeth Lake Road
Waterford, MI 48327
Phone: 248-681-9360

Walk in registrations are welcome! 

This years Vacation Bible School
will take place

Monday - Thursday
June 23-26 , 2025
9:30 am - 12 Noon

Ages 3 years - Grade 7

Come join us for a fun filled week of  
games, storytelling, crafts, singing, 
and new friends, as we learn about
our Savior Jesus Christ.

Click below for more information
and online registration form.  
Print and fill out the permission 
and bring it to church
your 1st day of VBS. 
If you can't print one, we will
have them available when you arrive.

Can't wait for the first day of VBS.

We can't wait to see you!